During this time we have limited office hours, however we are offering most services via Zoom. Please call our office to learn more.

Parenting Classes

Ready Set Grow!

This will help you develop nurturing prenatal parenting practices by teaching ways you can help your baby by taking care of yourself! This is a group- based program that meets for nine (9) weeks, once a week for 1 hour. Mothers will receive illustrated handbooks, and learn easy to implement activities in an interactive setting. Mothers can attend with or without a partner.

When: July 31 through September 25, 2024
(Wednesdays for 9 weeks)

Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Cost: $40 with or without partner. Pre-registration required in order to reserve your seat in the class.

Click Here To Register

Massage In Schools Program (MISP)

Massage Class for families with children ages 4-12

Due to high levels of stress our current pandemic has created for families all over the world, Massage in Schools Association (MISA) and the Massage in Schools Program (MISP) have introduced a way for families to promote nurturing touch within our homes.  In a time when many of our children are left to socialize via screen time, The Rainbow Massage allows us to reconnect with each other and foster much needed intimate socialization families can no longer access in their communities. ​


TIME: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

COST: $40 per family - Pre-registration required in order to reserve your space in the class.

Click Here To Register

Loving Solutions

Loving Solutions is geared toward parents with young children ideally up to 10 years old.  This parenting class is designed specifically to provide tools to help parents of young children, especially those posing significant challenges, regain control and build confidence.  Parents meet once a week for 2-hours for 10 weeks.

March 5 through May 7, 2025
(Each Wednesday for 10 weeks)

Time: 10:00 a.m. - Noon

Cost: $50 total (includes book)

Pre-registration required in order to reserve your space in the class.

Click Here To Register

Loving Solutions En Español

Soluciones Cariñosas está dirigido a padres con niños pequeños, idealmente hasta la edad de 10 años. Esta clase está diseñada específicamente para proporcionar herramientas para ayudar a los padres de niños pequeños, especialmente aquellos que presentan desafíos significativos, a recuperar el control y desarrollar la confianza.

Los padres se reúnen una vez por semana por 2 horas, durante 10 semanas.

Abril 1 hasta Junio 3, 2025
(Cada Martes por 10 semanas)

Hora: 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Costo: $50 total (incluye libro)
Se requiere registración con anticipación y pago en total para poder reservar su lugar en esta clase.

Click Here To Register

The Parent Project

A nationally recognized parent-training program designed specifically for parents of strong willed or out of control adolescent children. Truancy and failing grades, drug/alcohol use and gang involvement, runaway and violent behaviors are just some of the issues addressed by this curriculum.

The Parent Project is the largest court mandated juvenile diversion program in Los Angeles County. Back in Control techniques will also be incorporated in this class.

When: April 3 through June 5, 2025
(Each Thursday for 10 weeks)

Time: 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Cost: $50 total (includes book)
Pre-registration and full payment is required in order to reserve your space in the class.

Click Here To Register

The Parent Project En Español

Un programa para padres reconocido a nivel nacional diseñado específicamente para los padres de hijos adolescentes de carácter fuerte o fuera de control. Ausentismo y bajas calificaciones, el uso del alcohol/drogas y la participación en pandillas, los comportamientos fuera de control y violentos son sólo algunos de los temas de enfoque en este programa.

El Proyecto de Padres es el programa de desviación juvenil más grande del sistema judicial de menores en el condado de Los Angeles. También se incorporarán técnicas de Back in Control en esta clase.



Costo: $40 por persona o $60 por pareja. Se requiere registración con anticipación y pago total para poder reservar su espacio en la clase.


Click Here To Register

ABC Parenting Class

ABC's Parenting Class is a ten-session, group based program that meets once a week for 2 hours. Will include sessions on infant care, brain development, communication as well as role-modeling and teaching importance of playtime.

Both parents are encouraged to attend. Some sessions will include the participation of the infant/toddler.

March 26 through June 4, 2025
(Each Wednesday for 10 weeks)

No class April 23rd due to Spring Break

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Cost: $50 (includes materials)
Pre-registration and full payment is required in order to reserve your space in the class.

Click Here To Register

Infant Massage

Infant Massage sessions for parents of infants between 3 - 6 months old. Infant Massage can be beneficial for both you and your baby. Come and learn the benefits of giving your baby a soothing massage. Learn to form a deep bond with your baby, turn a fussy baby into a calm one by increasing their sleep, helps your baby during colicky stage, strengthens your baby's immune system and promotes brain and muscle development. You will also learn about Foot Reflexology and Touch Relaxation techniques for you and your baby.


Time: TBD

Cost: $50 per family
Pre-registration is required in order to reserve your space in the class. Class size is limited - first come, first served basis.

Click Here To Register

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